You should always generic..

 Many people assume that buying a brand element guarantee quality. But is this really the case? Generics are just cheap imitations of the real thing, or are expensive but equally reliable alternatives less? As with many things that Yes is the answer to this question and no.

Even if the answer is not "cut and dry", we can list a few things, you should buy more generic:

I am surprised, that you a product that is less than the exact can sell same product 40%, only because it comes in a different color or bottle. However, this is the case, if it around on the medicines counter (OTC).

The food and Drug Administration (FDA) have requirements in place, which make sure that generic OTC have exactly same active ingredients (in the same doses) than the brand name drugs with which they compete.

The generic equivalent is no different from the more expensive brand name. Like many other brand versus generic comparisons, we, that the price difference will find most budgets (among others) is due to the difference in marketing, advertising and packaging.

This is drugs, eye drops, pain not only for pain relievers, but also for the cold and cough relief patches and most other OTC medicines. In any case, are the ingredients both to be sure.

Yes, I know that this article says "always buy", but me excuses. Keep in mind what we on the FDA and over-the-counter medications above said? Now, the same rules apply for prescription medicines as well as. The generic version of a prescription drug must have the same Active dosage units as brand counterpart.

For some people, drugs are more effective for their State but the brand. Actually, there are some people, the fair better if you include the generic version of a drug with the brand. I have no idea why the (because I'm not a pharmacist or doctor), but after he I know for a large pharmaceutical company, this to be true.

Make sure that you talk with your doctor before you decide to opt for the generic version of a drug. Based on your condition, other medications you are taking, or other factors, he can recommend to hold the branded version.

As I began, I remember hear stories of certain gas stations to water down their gas! The common theory was that any "no-name" gas station, priced significantly less than a brand name was station directly across the street, water, gas, added to make more money per gallon. Therefore, they could have lower prices.

If we (my friends and other drivers, I know), that a difference in the performance we then believed our cars which with both types of gas in the tank, unnoticed, that explains the gas only inferior and why it was cheaper. The big oil companies only took for themselves the "good" oil and left the no name with the "bad" oil! Hey you all! We were children, give us a break!;-)

Then, a related got a job for one of the largest oil refineries in the country. He told me that this would be huge oil tankers each oil company fill up with gas. From the same supply lines, each company was given its gas; Which means that there is absolutely no difference in the gas as it is pumped into the trucks.

The other amazing thing, which I said is, that (at the time), if a company wanted to say that their gas contain special detergents, was it good for your car, everyone only needs oil tanker a gallon to!

This means that you can feel comfortable with the purchase of the cheapest gas in your area. I think it also means that you should pay definitely no premium for gas, which claims full of detergents to clean your fuel pipe be!

Bleach is bleach!

I think I over this right should write? Name brand and no name bleach solutions are mainly water. What you have to compare, is the percentage of the active ingredient (sodium hypochlorite) in the solution. Of course there are other types of bleach for more specific uses, but if you are just buying regular, household chlorine bleach to clean the basic areas of your home, save your money and go generic.

As long as the bottles have the same amount of the active substance, they are virtually identical for cleaning purposes.

A former musician and emergency sound man, I have to purchase a number of cables in my life. Add in the fact that I gadgets and computer love, and this number is growing and growing! I honestly, not too many products for you a wide range of prices for essentially the same product can find!

I have purchased computer cables out of the local dollar store work well! No need to spend $50 for an Ethernet cable by a chain of electronics! The same goes for this insanely expensive Monster Cable (yes I or two in my younger days)!

The less expensive cables are good, and they are destroying your expensive electronic devices with them.

This is another odd. There are huge tags for basic spices in most grocery stores. You are just buying salt, oregano, pepper and nutmeg, etc.-These are all things we receive dollars, from the local store if we out run. I don't really think that the other companies have a better salt "Recipe"!

Photo by Suat Eman

What are some of the items for which you will never buy the generic version?Which items would you to this list add top?Tagged as: dollar store, food costs, shopping

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